A community project in Keyworth that helps locals combat loneliness and social isolation by connecting people through nature and conservation work, has received funding from Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Reach Rushcliffe initiative. Keyworth Community Garden was set up last year to give people the … [Read more...]
Cotgrave Candleby Lane school children explore life without electricity
Children at Cotgrave Candleby Lane School have been looking at the topic of Electricity, and what life might be like without it. Teacher Alex Wigley explained. “The enquiry question for children was to explore what life might look like without electricity. They loved discussing the problems we posed … [Read more...]
Meet, Greet and Eat project given funding by Reach Rushcliffe
A volunteer group that includes those with learning disabilities and additional needs is the latest group to receive funding from Reach Rushcliffe providing vital food packages for elderly residents and those at risk of social isolation and loneliness. The Meet, Greet and Eat project is … [Read more...]