As part of the Queen’s Green Canopy to mark her Platinum Jubilee and in collaboration with the East Leake Parish Councils Tree Warden, children from the 2nd East Leake Scouts and their family and friends joined together in planting 120 hedge row saplings and a Cherry tree on the Oldershaw Park. A … [Read more...]
£250k loan agreed to fund new East Leake sports pavilion
Rushcliffe Borough Council has agreed to a loan of up to £250,000 to help fund a new sports pavilion in East Leake that will offer a contemporary new facility for the village and surrounding area’s sports teams and function room for community use. The authority’s Cabinet approved the sum to East … [Read more...]
May Day Festival returns
The popular May Day Festival is returning to East Leake after a break of 4 years, and this one promises to be bigger and better than ever before. As many of you may already know, this year’s May Day Festival has been altered slightly from its traditional 1st Monday in May to Friday 8th May. This is … [Read more...]