Pupils at Rushcliffe Spencer Academy joined thousands of others up and down the country collecting examination results this summer. There were smiles and tears of joy as pupils opened envelopes and celebrated their wonderful achievements with each other and with the members of staff who have supported them along the way.
Over two thirds of grades awarded to Rushcliffe’s Year 13 pupils were at A*, A or B level and, as a result of these excellent outcomes, a record number of pupils have been accepted into their preferred university, apprenticeship or college. The fantastic results continued the following week with nearly half of Rushcliffe’s Year 11 pupils receiving a grade 7 or higher in all subjects studied and a fantastic 72% receiving a 5 or above in English and Maths.
Across England, results were expected to return to pre-pandemic levels but, at Rushcliffe, this group of pupils has outperformed the 2019 cohort on all the headline measures. This is a significant achievement given the challenges and pressures they have had to face.
Mr Painton, Principal, commended pupils: “We are so proud of our pupils and their fantastic achievements. These results are the culmination of a huge amount of work in the face of a great many challenges. They are truly impressive groups of young people. We know they will go on to achieve even greater things in the future.”
Pupils in year 13 will move onto their next steps in education, employment or training. This includes those who have accepted places at Oxbridge or Russell Group universities, on a number of very competitive courses, such as medicine, or on sought-after apprenticeships with high profile companies such as J.P. Morgan. Whilst many year 11 pupils will join the Rushcliffe Sixth Form, a number move onto their preferred destinations at local colleges or on apprenticeships with these covering a wide range of disciplines.
For more information on the Rushcliffe Spencer Academy, please visit: http://rushcliffespencer.com
Written by Stephanie Wroughton – Marketing & Communications Officer at Rushcliffe Spencer Academy