During the morning of Saturday 9th Nov 2019, the West Bridgford Branch of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution held their annual Autumn Fair in the Lutterell Hall at West Bridgford. The event was approached with some foreboding as the days preceding the fair had produced rain, more rain and local flood warnings. It was therefore a relief that the dawn on Saturday was misty, frosty but dry! This brought out a good number of supporters keeping everyone very busy. The Raffle was sponsored by Slades Florists (Melton Rd) and Bingham Market Traders.
It was a great morning at the end of which £1556 had been raised for the RNLI. The Chairman and committee of the West Bridgford Branch of the RNLI would like to thank all who helped in any way to make this such a successful day.
The Spring and Autumn Fairs are the local RNLI’s major annual fund-raising events, but they face an uncertain future with the fate of the Lutterell Hall hanging in the balance. The demise of the hall would be a great loss not only to the RNLI but the community as a whole, let’s hope it can be saved for future generations.