Before turning to the winter festive activities, the children at Leahurst Road Pre-School got their teeth into some engaging topics, including ‘Science Week’, Nursery Rhymes and learning about Autumn as a season.
What better a time to observe all the changes that happen around us – like the weather cooling down, the trees changing, animals hibernating and all the different colours and textures within the natural environment.
Many enjoyed the sensory exploration of the natural resources provided in the ‘Tuff Tray’ which then were cleverly incorporated into craft activities, requiring the children to develop their fine motor skills to produce the various pieces. Autumn wreaths, nature bottle shakers, ‘conker rolling’ painting, nature crowns you name it! They also displayed great skill and control using utensils when they made vegetable soup, and the leaf relay races did a tremendous job of teaching them how to take turns and perhaps most importantly burn off some excess energy!
‘Who do I want to be?’ was next to follow where the children were able to learn and even try out some different occupations for themselves. First, the home corner became a hospital where they had great fun wrapping each other (and staff!), up in bandages, checking temperatures, blood pressure and caring for the dollies to make them better. In the playground various fire helmets, police tabards and more were placed which created some fantastic role play! This developed over the week when the builder’s helmets, tool kits and huge construction bricks and wood came out with the children using their imagination to build some amazing creations. The sand tray became a builder’s site with number stones, various diggers and trucks included for some ‘small world’ fun.
As well as ‘Jobs’ posters, puppet shows, pictures to colour and jigsaw puzzles for the children to complete, story time also continued on this theme. These prompted discussions about what jobs the children would like to do…”an astronaut, vet, firefighter and even a pianist!” were voiced.
Later in the week, the home corner was turned in to a greengrocer’s shop. The children enjoyed being shop keepers, filling their baskets with food and engaging in more role play. This supported their mathematical development as they were encouraged to count the coins too!
It’s amazing to think that on the back of all this the staff and children were able to prepare the Christmas nativity performance which went down a storm by parents and carers alike. The Christmas party put on for the children during the last week of term was therefore thoroughly deserved. Thanks to Monika from ‘Super Sparkle Parties’ and her two young assistants, the children had a wonderful time. With lots of festive games, imaginative stories, music and magic the children were both mesmerised and entertained! Jingle, Gingerbread man, Brussel sprout and Snowy added to the fun and excitement of the day!
Leahurst Road Pre-School is now open 5 days a week 8:30am-3:00pm. To arrange a visit or book a place please call 07941 616369.