On 14th May two former East Leake Academy pupils, Amber Franklin and Abi Clark, will take part in the Rob Burrows Leeds Marathon to raise money for the local Motor Neurone Disease charity Stand Against MND, which was established by East Leake resident Sam Perkins when he was diagnosed with MND at the age of 37. Monies raised by the charity are donated to The MND Association for ongoing research, the local MND support group, and The Nottingham Hospice.
Amber and Abi share a flat in London where respectively they work as a business analyst, and a NHS physiotherapist, frequently returning to East Leake to visit family. As part of their training for the big event they recently ran a half marathon at Prestwold, and for both girls, this will be their first full marathon.
Abi said “After the Prestwold half marathon we realised what a daunting task we had set ourselves, particularly since we are told Leeds is hilly! But we are determined to give it our best shot”.
Amber has a personal reason to take on the challenge, as her grandmother Val Franklin is one of three East Leake residents living with MND. Amber said “Like Sam, Grandma was very active until 2 years ago, but she is now confined to a wheelchair. It’s a cruel and devastating condition for which currently there is no cure. Every pound we manage to raise will go to a very good cause, and any donations will be gratefully received, however small”.
If would like to help the girls donations can be made on line:
In the next edition we will let you know if the girls managed to complete their first marathon. Good luck girls!