Work began to repair and strengthen the bridge that carries the A52 over the River Trent, Clifton Lane and Queens Drive in Nottingham.
The work is expected to be completed by February 2021, although some lanes will begin opening across the bridge during November 2020.

Why is this work needed?
Clifton Bridge was built in the 1970s. It is subject to regular maintenance and inspection activity, most of which is unseen by the public or passing motorists. During February 2020, the structure was undergoing planned concrete repairs which had been identified during a routine inspection last year (2019). While this work was taking place, the construction team were able to investigate the steel underneath the road and this investigation work uncovered the need for further repairs to the steel works, as a result of water damage.
While the structure remains safe, precautionary measure has been put in place, such as some traffic restrictions across the top of the bridge to prevent the need for furtherand more disruptive repairs in the future. These restrictions will also allow the teams to work safely underneath the structure.
The decision for partial closure of Clifton Bridge was not taken lightly, as Highways England knows how important this bridge is for getting the public, into and around the City of Nottingham. They’re looking at a phased approach to repairs which should allow them to open further lanes as soon as possible.
The story so far
Clifton Bridge is two bridges sitting alongside each other. The northbound bridge (Grantham to Derby) is in good condition, which is why traffic is still using that section. Work will take place on the southbound bridge which is the focus of substantial repairs until the end of the year.
Structural engineers have now completed their investigation and design stage, and the repair work has begun. Clifton Bridge has a complex design, and great care has been taken in planning a repair project that will keep the bridge open for many years to come.
As part of the substantial repair work, scaffolding will be erected underneath the Road, that means Clifton Lane will be reduced to two running lanes (normally four), with traffic running in one lane in each direction from Sunday 21 June 2020.
This is vital to allow the teams to work safely and access the areas underneath the bridge to repair it. These lane closures will remain in place until works are finished beneath the bridge.
What can I do?
Before you travel, please consider if your journey is necessary and try to limit the amount you travel if you can. Travel off peak if possible, or use a bike or try walking instead, even if it’s only for part of your journey to help reduce congestion on the roads. The UK Government and Nottingham City Council are actively encouraging cycling, both for its health and environmental benefits and to reduce the opportunities for Coronavirus to spread.
Visit https://highwaysengland.co.uk/projects/a52-clifton-bridgerepair-Scheme for more information.