On Thursday 21st September, Broxtowe Green Umbrella, Friends of the Earth and Climate Action Nottingham gathered together at Round Hill Primary School to host a talk about the ‘United For Warm Homes’ campaign being run by Friends of the Earth.
The campaign aims to address both the cost of living crisis and the climate crisis by asking the government to begin insulating the nation’s homes, starting with the most vulnerable first. This would reduce the demand for heating in the winter months, therefore lowering bills.
We had a great evening; it’s always really great to be together discussing how we could do things in a better way. There were a range of different groups and people there, including representatives from Broxtowe Borough Council which is always great to see.
Friends of the Earth are looking for as many people as possible from Nottinghamshire to sign the petition – please add your support here: tinyurl.com/3p7puv69
They are also collecting ‘pledges’ from charities, organisations (& possibly even local councils!) so they can show this to our MPs, demonstrating there is strong public support for this action. If you’d be happy to add your organisation’s name to this pledge please email [email protected]
It’s becoming more and more evident that climate change is here. Katherine Hayhoe, a respected climate scientist and campaigner, says that the most important thing that individuals can do is talk about the climate crisis and get involved in some sort of community action. Let’s get to it!
Written by Broxtowe Green Umbrella