The committee of the Village Show 2022 have donated £1,500 to the Playing Fields Charity (Costock Road Pavilion).
The cheque was presented to Alex Cufflin, the treasurer of the Charity.
The committee of 6, Alison Handley, Jenny Britt, Debbie Andeton, Babs Perkins, Gill Burbidge and Debby Slade, start organising in April getting advertising and sponsors for the programme.
On the day of the show we bring in extra manpower to help set it up and take it down in the Village Hall. To those extra helpers we are very grateful.
After a 2 year absence due to covid, the 2022 Committee decided that with covid still around to a lesser extent, we would scale back on some of the entries and not have a raffle or an auction at the end. We did have a tombola, the tables were groaning under the weight of donations. Thanks to Melvyn and thank you all. The added attraction was the Revival Band playing outside the Village Hall which helped bring people in.
The one thing we could not control was the weather. It was hot and dry and the allotments and gardens did not produce well. The down side was the produce section was very poor. The vegetables, fruit, cakes and jams are a very important part of the show so that we can sell/auction them to the public. Thank you to all who entered and helped make the day a success.
The Village Show for 2023 will be Saturday 2nd September.
If you think you would like to help in any way please contact Jenny 07426747149.