From your Independent Councillors for Leake Ward.
Well, I won’t lie, the last few months have been rather hectic!
After the votes were counted and the results announced on Friday 5 May 2023, each successful candidate (now Councillor) was handed am envelope of important dates and information.
Then we gathered together for the first of three Induction session, explaining how Council functions, the Cabinet structure and how the various committees and scrutiny groups work to provide the necessary checks and balance, plus the multiple training sessions on all aspects of Council and Councillors’ responsibilities – some of which are mandatory.
As this goes to press, we’re less than halfway through these sessions and I have to say it is Very interesting – if you like the minutiae of local government.
So far we have learned about GDPR (keeping your data safe), the basics of Planning and how councillors from all parties and none can hold the cabinet up to the light via Scrutiny – I have a place on the Communities Scrutiny Group – which includes all matters relating to our communities including environmental and home energy matters – the very things that got this councillor into politics in the first place. At July’s Communities Scrutiny Group meeting we will be reviewing the Empty Homes Strategy and Council Tax Implications.
Between the three of us, we have a place on nine different committees and groups, meaning that Leake Ward is represented across Council’s work. We are determined to work for ALL of Leake Ward, to represent you to the best of our abilities.
We were pleased to attend the West Leake Annual Parish Meeting, discussing the issues that directly affect the unique community around this great village 9more on what we discussed in further reports).
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding Monthly Surgeries – on the First Saturday of each month – throughout the year, including over the summer holidays. We will take it in turns to be there.
Initially we will be at East Leake Parish Offices from 10 – 12.
If you need to discuss an issue in person, then come along for an initial, confidential, chat.
You can also contact us by email at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]