On Saturday 14th September, three wonderful supporters of Transforming Notts Together (TNT) are skydiving to help the charity and help more people across Nottinghamshire.
Two of our trustees, Bishop Peter Hill and Angela Painter, will be joined by Steve Harwood, the husband of the Operations Lead, Leanne, to hurl themselves out of an aeroplane, 10,000 feet in the air!
But why are they doing this?
For 12 years, TNT have been working with over 300 churches, organisations and agencies
across Nottinghamshire as they seek to help transform the lives of the neediest in our city and county.
TNT do this by inspiring, equipping and connecting volunteers in local churches and communities to come alongside those who desperately need love and they offer to walk with them on their journey to a better life.
The charity are developing community hubs centred on supporting those in our communities who may need support, ranging from homelessness to loneliness or individuals who are struggling with their mental health.
If you’d like to watch the trio take on this amazing feat, go to Langar Airfield (NG13 9HY) on the 14th September at 9.30am!
To find out more or to donate please visit: www.justgiving.com/campaign/skydivetnt