Shortly before the end of term, Robert Miles Junior School hosted their annual production. This year was ‘Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies’ with performances taking place in the evening and a matinee.
The school does not do things by halves and this production was no exception with fantastic singing, dancing and acting – it really is no exaggeration to say there is some real performing talent at the school! The children worked tirelessly over a number of weeks learning their lines, (plenty of these as the show lasted a full 1¾ hours), rehearsing on stage and practising the songs.
It really was the children’s show as they helped to design the stage backdrop by sharing ideas and painting, directing the sound and ensuring the props came on stage at just the right time.
Thank you to everyone involved in helping to pull together a top quality production. Watch this space to find out what will be on our stage next year!
For information about the School, please visit the website at: or call the office on 01949 875011.
Written by James Evelyn, Headteacher at Robert Miles Junior School