Two new climbing nets have been installed at William Lee Park in Calverton.
One is for younger visitors and the other for teens and are located next to the recently installed adult and childrens’ picnic tables and benches.
The zip wire seat has finally been replaced after a long issue with suppliers along with newly installed waste bins.
The total cost of the above has been met by Calverton Parish Council at a cost of £55,000 from monies contributed by the new housing developers that was earmarked for spending at the William Lee Memorial Park.
A defibrillator has been installed on the outside wall near the Changing Rooms and an additional one is planned for inside the hall itself.
The Parish Council can also confirm that a native tree planting session in the Wildlife Area in conjunction with the Greenwood Community Forest will take place over the next few months and if you wish to be involved in this, please keep an eye on social media postings and Parish notice boards.