On 26th April, the East Bridgford Care Group thanked the Partners of the Medical Centre, for enabling a Public Access Defibrillator to be sited on the front exterior wall of their building, adjacent to the main entrance.
Thanks were also expressed to the Parish Council for their assistance in the delivering the project, their commitment to take ownership of the defibrillator, and to provide the ongoing support, maintenance, insurance, etc, over its working life.
The funding of the defibrillator by the Care Group was made possible by legacy donations from Janet Richardson and Jean Clarke, Covid Mask Sales, and a Donation from East Bridgford Open Gardens, which met the installation costs. These combined sums were made available to the Parish Council to make the purchase, and adopt the ownership of this additional community defibrillator.
Dr Chris Cope commented: “The East Bridgford village have done brilliantly to raise the funds and organise for a third community defibrillator. The partners are very happy to host it on the wall of the practice. Let us hope that it is never used but if it is needed we hope it can save a life.”
Councillor Phil Clarke commented:
“The Parish Council is delighted that a public access defibrillator has been provided on the external wall of the Medical Centre, in a prominent position on a landmark building, extending defibrillator coverage to the eastern end of the village. It has taken a determined effort to reach this stage, and thanks are due to the Medical Centre, the generosity of two residents, the Open Gardens organisers, the Community Heartbeat Trust, the Parish Council Clerk, and particularly the Care Group, for which John O’Hare has worked tirelessly on bringing this project to fruition. As with the first defibrillator, there will be an opportunity for residents to take part in another awareness event about how to respond to a cardiac emergency.”
Community Defibrillators are located at each end of Main Street in East Bridgford:
- Main Street / Mill Gate – on the wall, adjacent to the Red Phone Box
- East Bridgford Medical Centre – 2 Butt Lane, adjacent to the Main Entrance
A further Defibrillator is located at the Butt Tennis Court Pavilion on Butt Field. At night, locating and access may prove more challenging, unless you know the area.
You require no medical knowledge to use a defibrillator, an audio / visual instruction will take you through every stage. The use of the defibrillator will not injure the patient, and it will only operate, if the need exists.
You can do no harm to a person in cardiac arrest by giving CPR, or by the use of a defibrillator. In undertaking one, or both of these procedures, a life can be saved.
Photographed (from left to right) – Dr. Chris Cope – E.B. Medical Centre Partner, Linda Molineaux – E.B. Open Gardens, Andrew WhinCup – Practice Manager, Councillor. Phil Clarke – E.B. Parish Council, Patsy Andrews and Cate Golightly – E.B. Care Group.