Joanna Cowell from Cotgrave, has published a book titled Travels with the Reluctant Ghost Hunter, featuring a collection of her own experiences travelling around Nottingham and the UK visiting various mysterious or haunted locations.
Welcome to the most haunted house in Leicester. Belgrave Hall & Gardens pretty much has it all (except for a cafe, please note!)
The house is open on the first full weekend of each month with free guided tours, which I highly recommend.
Our guide on this occasion was thankfully only too happy to indulge my interest in the paranormal.
A little boy and a Victorian lady have been seen, bells ring that have long since been disconnected, and the staircase in particular has an eerie reputation. Not only is there the sound of disembodied footsteps, but you may feel a hand on your shoulder!
Seven sisters acquired the house from their brother, and lived here until their deaths. Renowned for their work in helping the poor, Margaret, the eldest sister, is still thought to be residing here…
In 1784 Abraham Shaw burgled the property and took some spoons and a cruet set. Incredibly he paid with his life, and now haunts the Guildhall in Leicester, still looking for justice.
The courtyard too has its fair share of ghostly goings-on; with stones being thrown and the ghost of a man who supposedly fell from the roof.
The last owner of Belgrave Hall sold it to Leicester City Council because they were fed up with living with all the ghosts!
This amazing house is also renowned for its beautiful gardens, filled with roses and arches covered in wisteria.
It’s small wonder the ghosts want to linger here a little longer.
In the last few weeks, Jo has had her second book published “Travels in Nottinghamshire with The Reluctant Ghost Hunter”. If you would like a copy of the book or would like to find out more, please email her on: [email protected]