Now that the Covid restriction have been relaxed the West Bridgford Branch of the RNLI are trying to return to what used to be normality.
They made a great start over the weekend Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th March by holding their first fund raising event for 2022. It was a two-day collection at the Blue Diamond Garden Centre in East Bridgford, but this was not without some difficulty as just days before the event several collectors tested positive for Covid.
The welfare and safety of our collectors is our foremost concern the roster had to be rewritten at short notice, to ensure that every collector was accompanied by a second collector. The Saturday collection period was also shortened.
It was a brilliant collection which raised £988. The RNLI would like to thank the management and staff of Blue Diamond for their help and for their and their customer’s support. We would also like to thank our own Jo for extra last-minute work she had to put in to make it happen, thank you all.