Wanted – children and their grown-ups to get involved with lots of nature related activities at our lovely park. Following last year’s very successful inaugural day, we are holding another free event this year.
There will be lots to interest all ages, ranging from creative activities like clay creature and bird feeder making though to bridge building and a treasure hunt. There will be nature interest stalls to browse and to chat with experts.
Bring your own picnic if you want- there will be a prepared picnic area. Ice cream and proper coffee, drinks and cakes will be available.
Comments last year were very positive: –
- Very enjoyable-we were able to relax, chat with folks and let the children be involved in all the activities. They were fully occupied!
- The face painting was amazing
- We didn’t realise how lovely the Country Park is
- Lots of information to look at and talk about with experts
- Great ice cream!
Come along on Sunday August 21st from 11.00am to 3.00pm and enjoy!
NB We are in the middle of a series of walks and activities on the country park. Still to come are a Wildflower Walk, Bat Walk and Two Fungi Walks- all led by experts1
If you wish to book, please go to www.cotgravecountrypark.co.uk and click ‘Community Events’.