Six miles southeast of the city of Nottingham lies the parish of Cotgrave. At the centre of the Parish sits the church of All Saints whose origins reportedly can be traced back to the twelfth century.
Historical records indicate that the bells have rung out of Cotgrave (Cotsgrove) since the Tudor Reign. There has even been reports of an over exuberant band meeting the wrath of the rector in 1604 for excessive ringing….. Such were the times.
The band of ringers over the years have contributed much to village life and bells have always been used to call to service. In addition, they are used to mark weddings and historical events. Sadly, however, they became silent over the course of the pandemic and were greatly missed.
More recently the bells have celebrated the Armistice Centenary, the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II, the Accession of King Charles III and the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.
Today all over England there are towers at risk of falling silent. Can we afford to lose our great tradition?
On this note, do you think you could help preserve a long held Cotgrave tradition and become a part of history?
Have you ever considered joining a friendly band with a difference and giving this a go?
Come and join us to find out more on Saturday 20th July at All Saints Cotgrave between 10:00am and 12:00pm and begin your journey into bell ringing.
Written by Paul Gregory