If you’re a bookworm looking for something a bit different, the first half of October 2020 may be an interesting time for you – especially if you live in Beeston. Local author Penelope Wallace is aiming to run a poster campaign with a difference.
During lockdown, Ms Wallace’s neighbours have grown accustomed to daily handwritten signs posted on the corner gate, commenting on anything from local wildlife to the US Presidential election.
Between 1st October and 14th October, however, the signs will be featuring her novels, the “Tales from Ragaris”, and the author herself will be available, weather permitting, for a socially-distanced chat at 11 am, Monday to Saturday.
The “Tales from Ragaris” are medieval murder stories, with a twist – the several kingdoms on this fictional continent, although all flawed, pre-industrial and otherwise varied, are all run on strictly non-sexist lines.
The author calls this Swords Without Misogyny. Warriors, rulers, priests and murderers can all be male or female.
As well as aiming to be gender-equal, they are also designed to be exciting and evocative stories, described in Amazon reviews as “well-crafted and intelligent”, “ground-breaking,”and “gripping.”
The Tales are published by small independent publisher Mightier Than the Sword UK Publications, and there are three so far, “We Do Not Kill Children,” “The Tenth Province of Jaryar,” and “The Servant’s Voice.”
Penelope Wallace has lived in Beeston for 23 years, during which time she has been an employment solicitor and a church warden; she enjoys her current role as a local lollipop lady.
For more details see the author’s website penelopewallace.com – or the posters coming to Beeston/Chilwell in Ragaris Fortnight, 1st – 14th October.
(Why these dates? Well, “We Do Not Kill Children” starts off with a murder trial on 1st October something like 800 years ago, so why not?)