Local West Bridgford Child Minders Caroline and Katy held a collection over Lent (26th Feb – 9th April) supporting the challenge, 40 Days – 40 items, asking parents and their children for help collecting items to donate to The friary, a homeless charity in West Bridgford who’s aim to empower homeless and disadvantaged adults to rebuild their lives by providing practical services, advice and emotional support.
The idea was instead of the traditional -giving up something for Lent we would collect one item a day over the 40 day period. It went well and we had plenty of support, items from house hold toiletries to gloves and socks were donated, however because of the coronavirus this was interrupted, we are holding on to the donations we did collect and will pass them on when The Friary re opens.
Thank you to all the parents and children who embraced this challenge, your support and kindness will make a big difference to those who are not so fortunate in our local area.
Please note Katy, Caroline and most West Bridgford childminders are open to receive critical worker children in this current situation.